Me & Dad LLC ™

Huila, Colombia


Whole Bean (not ground) .6lb Colombian Huila El Tiple Supremo Medium city + roast.

8 in stock (can be backordered)

Additional Information


Origin: Colombia, Huila
Farmer Name: Various smallholders in Huila
Roast Type: Medium Roast
Flavor: Chocolate, Black Cherry, Brown Sugar, Roasted Almond
Process: Washed
Altitude: 1670 – 1950 MASL


About the Coffee
Our El Tiple line of Colombia green coffee is named for the Tiple, an instrument, used in traditional Colombian music. The tiple serves both as an accompanying instrument and for soloing. Similarly, our El Tiple coffees make crowd-pleasing Colombia coffees more accessible to roasters for use in blends, as accompanying coffees, or as single-origin, solo coffees.

Through El Tiple we are exploring Colombia’s distinctive micro-climates and flavor profiles. Huila El Tiple Supremo EP was sourced from small, family-owned farms throughout the Huila department.

Huila is currently the largest producer of coffee in Colombia. However, its development was unconventional and unlike other regions such as Antioquia, Santander or Cundinamarca. Abundant labor from Huila, traveled to traditional coffee producing provinces to work as pickers. When they returned to their homeland, they brought not only money, but also coffee beans and knowledge. The rest, as they say, is history.

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